Everyday Thoughts

Why La Jolla Is The Best Beach Town In San Diego
Why La Jolla Is The Best Beach Town In San Diego
Some call it paradise.We call it home.Welcome to La Jolla, California.
People often ask me, “What do you do?”
I answer, “I'm a tour guide at Every...

Surfing 101: Surf Etiquette
Before you start surfing, you need to know how to act on the water. Here are the 10 most essential rules of surf etiquette.

Doing Good with 1% For the Planet
We can’t pretend that everything is fine anymore. Global climate change is happening right now, and big businesses have a big obligation to help.

The Marine Mammal Protection Act
The early 1970’s was a bleak time for marine mammals. Because of human activity, many species were headed towards certain extinction.

Office Shenanigans
Our bosses wouldn't spy on us. Why would they? It's not like we play darts, hangout with dogs, or drink beer while we're on the clock. No way. WE'RE PROFESSIONALS.

Everyday California visits GreenWave
After a year of working with 1% For The Planet to donate a portion of every dollar we make to GreenWave, we got to visit Bren Smith, the founder, and see his work in action.

Why Kayaking Is The Eco-friendly Way To Adventure
Ever wondered how kayaking can use business to improve the environment?

What Does It Take To Be A Successful Entrepreneur?
Get behind the scenes with one of our fearless leaders, Chris Lynch, the man behind the apparel.

The Beer That's "So California It Hurts" Is Finally Back
We created a liquid manifestation of what we do: high-quality, locally sourced goodness inspired by our Golden State.

Why We Decided to Save Our Planet: 1% at a Time
Ever wondered what we do to give back to the environment? Check out our collaboration with 1% For The Planet.

How Two Beach Bums Started a Successful Lifestyle Company
It all began with a few kayaks and an old pickup truck. See how two sandy, unemployed guys started a booming lifestyle business right here in San Diego.

How These 2 Entrepreneurs Turned Their Minimum Wage Jobs Into a Multimillion-Dollar Brand
How These 2 Entrepreneurs Turned Their Minimum Wage Jobs Into a Multimillion-Dollar Brand
By Gary Bredow // Guest Writer at Entrepreneur
Chris Lynch and Michael Samer were friends in colleg...